Meet Deb Dutcher
YOUR Boomer Online Dating Coach -
Private Coaching Now Available 

Meet Deb Dutcher - the one who can help you stand out from the crowd,
attract your next ideal partner, and then navigate your way through the dating itself, to
Find Your Mr. Adorable!

Is this You? A smart, vibrant, accomplished woman over 50, ready to date and find your Mr. Adorable, but frustrated at how complex it all has become? Are you tired of posting your profile, only to get hit on by all the losers, scammers and just totally unsuitable guys?

Are you just about ready to give up, and resign yourself to being alone for the rest of your days?

Don’t give up! Deb has helped hundreds of Boomer gals to tap into their inner adorableness, craft a compelling online profile, stand out from the crowd, and draw in their best matches. She designed a process that brought in her Mr. Adorable, and has taught it to her clients and students. The most important thing she teaches her clients is to be authentic, and to know, in their heart, that there is someone out there for them.

When you work with Deb, through her courses or as a private client, you will receive all the support you need and be guided through the maze of online dating. She will help you to release your baggage, tap into your inner adorable-ness, put your best self out there and learn to visualize and manifest exactly the partner you want. She calls it “Getting Savvy, Prepped, Ready and Aware, before You Get Back Out There”.

You will also be taught how to identify scammers, smoke them out and then block them, allowing space and time for the real Mr. Adorables.
How does Private Dating Coaching with Deb work?
  • We start with a free exploratory call
  • If we decide to move forward, you'll receive a profile questionnaire to complete
  • You'll get on a call with Deb to review the questionnaire together
  • You'll email Deb some photos for review and editing
  • You'll book a session to go over her recommendations and pick a site
  • Then, get private coaching while on the dating sites to debrief and fine-tune your approach

If you are ready to do the work, then this will work for you! Deb only takes the clients who are ready to do the work and commit to the process, all the way through. These are the ones who get the results.
Meet Deb Dutcher
YOUR Boomer Online Dating Coach -
Private Coaching Now Available
Meet Deb Dutcher - the one who can help you stand out from the crowd,
attract your next ideal partner, and then navigate your way through the dating itself, to Find Your Mr. Adorable!

Is this You? A smart, vibrant, accomplished woman over 50, ready to date and find your Mr. Adorable, but frustrated at how complex it all has become? Are you tired of posting your profile, only to get hit on by all the losers, scammers and just totally unsuitable guys?

Are you just about ready to give up, and resign yourself to being alone for the rest of your days?

Don’t give up! Deb has helped hundreds of Boomer gals to tap into their inner adorableness, craft a compelling online profile, stand out from the crowd, and draw in their best matches. She designed a process that brought in her Mr. Adorable, and has taught it to her clients and students. The most important thing she teaches her clients is to be authentic, and to know, in their heart, that there is someone out there for them.

When you work with Deb, through her courses or as a private client, you will receive all the support you need and be guided through the maze of online dating. She will help you to release your baggage, tap into your inner adorable-ness, put your best self out there and learn to visualize and manifest exactly the partner you want. She calls it “Getting Savvy, Prepped, Ready and Aware, before You Get Back Out There”.

You will also be taught how to identify scammers, smoke them out and then block them, allowing space and time for the real Mr. Adorables.

How does Private Dating Coaching with Deb work?
  • We start with a free exploratory call
  • If we decide to move forward, you'll receive a profile questionnaire to complete
  • You'll get on a call with Deb to review the questionnaire together
  • You'll email Deb some photos for review and editing
  • You'll book a session to go over her recommendations and pick a site
  • Then, get private coaching while on the dating sites to debrief and fine-tune your approach

If you are ready to do the work, then this will work for you! Deb only takes the clients who are ready to do the work and commit to the process, all the way through. These are the ones who get the results.
Why Deb?
Deb Dutcher has a background in high-tech management, process development and consulting. She became a Certified Integrative Health Coach and also trained in Woman-Centered Coaching techniques. Deb herself is a twice-divorced woman, who believes “You are never too old and it is never too late to take on your life!” Deb is the best-selling author of Sexy, Lean and Strong After 50! She is an accomplished trainer, speaker and coach.

At 69, Deb launched her latest enterprise – Boomer Online Dating Coach. She saw there was a huge lack of support for gals who were like her – alone late-in-life, smart, accomplished and desiring a real man and love connection in their life. She knew she could help them, because she had been helping her health coach clients navigate the dating scene, using her own personally-developed process. Now, she has decided to make online dating coaching her primary focus. Her mission is to help 1000+ Boomer
Gals find their Mr. Adorable.

Deb knows the key to attracting your Mr. Adorable is to stay optimistic, know what you want, and don’t settle for anything less. She wants to share her outlook and approach with others, who may be struggling with how to meet new people in this new day-and-age.

Online dating can be scary, but there are some good ways to manage the interaction. The various sites use multiple screens and firewalls, to protect their members. The final choice of how much to reveal is up to you. Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith, and go with your gut. However, there are some tricks to managing the interactions. This is what Deb teaches her online dating clients.
Why Deb?
Deb Dutcher has a background in high-tech management, process development and consulting. She became a Certified Integrative Health Coach and also trained in Woman-Centered Coaching techniques. Deb herself is a twice-divorced woman, who believes “You are never too old and it is never too late to take on your life!” Deb is the best-selling author of Sexy, Lean and Strong After 50! She is an accomplished trainer, speaker and coach.

At 69, Deb launched her latest enterprise – Boomer Online Dating Coach. She saw there was a huge lack of support for gals who were like her – alone late-in-life, smart, accomplished and desiring a real man and love connection in their life. She knew she could help them, because she had been helping her health coach clients navigate the dating scene, using her own personally-developed process. Now, she has decided to make online dating coaching her primary focus. Her mission is to help 1000+ Boomer
Gals find their Mr. Adorable.

Deb knows the key to attracting your Mr. Adorable is to stay optimistic, know what you want, and don’t settle for anything less. She wants to share her outlook and approach with others, who may be struggling with how to meet new people in this new day-and-age.

Online dating can be scary, but there are some good ways to manage the interaction. The various sites use multiple screens and firewalls, to protect their members. The final choice of how much to reveal is up to you. Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith, and go with your gut. However, there are some tricks to managing the interactions. This is what Deb teaches her online dating clients.

1 -- Profile Assessment and Review

Questionnaire and interview

2 -- Profile Recommendations and Edits

Review and refine results from profile assessment 
3 -- Optional

Done remotely via phone or Zoom

Full Private Coaching Package

Choose all three and
save $500!

1 - Profile Assessment and Review

Questionnaire and interview

2 -Profile Recommendations and Edits

Review and refine results from profile assessment

Done remotely via phone or Zoom
Client Testimonials
Denise I – 69, Divorced: ”Before Deb I had what I thought was a good profile. I could get
dates, but they were just not the right fit. She showed me how to tap-into my
“adorableness” and to share more of my tender side. She edited my story and photos
and brought out the inner, loving me. I brought in the love-of-my-life just a few months
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