Built Just For You!
Are you a lonely, single Boomer Gal? Stop wasting time and money on dating sites and getting no responses. Or worse, getting hits from scammers and terrible matches.

Don't join any online dating site until you have taken this course!

First 2025 session starts January 7, 2025.

Limited spots available!  Pre-enroll to receive 2024 pricing.  Price goes up 25% starting November 7.

Being a lonely, single Boomer Gal Sucks!
This 8-week course will help you:
  • Gain confidence and become Savvy, Prepped, Ready and Aware to Put Yourself Out There
  • Attract the best possible matches for you
  • Learn how to sift quickly through the bad matches
  • Stay safe and have fun
  • Post a compelling, authentic profile that works!
  • Save time and money before getting on sites and bombing
  • Find Your Potential Mr. Adorable quicker than you ever thought possible
What's included?
  • Guided 8-week training on the Four Phases of the Finding Mr. Adorable Journey
    • Self-Discovery
    • Release, Visualize and Recharge
    • Put Yourself Out There
    • Dating to Find Mr. Adorable
  • One private fifty-minute consultation with course creator & best-selling author Deb Dutcher
  • Profile and photo edit suggestions
  • Recorded videos with special information and instructions for each week's activities
    • Secrets and techniques to help you Visualize and Manifest your Mr. Adorable
    • Online community to ask questions and receive advice
    • Templates and worksheets to get you Savvy, Prepped, Ready and Aware
    • Permanent access to all materials and an online support group after you complete the course
    Get Savvy, Prepped, Ready and Aware before you Put Yourself Out There! Sign-up for this eight-week course today!

    Isn't it time to find Your Mr. Adorable?
    RETAIL VALUE: $2497 
     Just $597 for a limited time!
    Personal Profile edits and Private Session with Deb included for first twenty!!

    Time's a-wasting and you're not getting any younger! 
    You're in the right place! 
    Fill out the form below to get started.
    My name is Deb Dutcher, and I am 72 years young!

    I created this course to help other single, lonely boomer gals find their Mr. Adorable with online dating. I believe it is not too late and you are never too old to find love.

    Just because we are over 50, 60, 70 does not mean we are done with living, or with love.

    After thirty years of marriage, at 51, I became a divorcee. I was alone for the first time in my life. It was soul-shattering and I got on dating sites just to see if anyone would want me. I had not dated since I was 19. I called it the "Wide World of Men" and it was an eye-opening experience.

    Two dating sites, one matchmaking service, twenty-seven first dates, fourteen second dates, three exclusive relationships later, I remarried after being single for three years, at 54. Sadly, it was a difficult marriage, and fourteen years later, I was divorced again.  I wanted companionship, so at 68, I got back out there.
    Never just leave it to chance. Make sure you are set up for success.   
    Never just leave it to chance. Make sure you are set up for success.  Spend some time to determine what you really want and invest a bit on this course to make sure you are not wasting time on the sites, unprepared, with a marginal profile.

    My promise to you is to get you ready to date, and, even looking forward to it! You will be Savvy, Prepped, Ready and Aware so that you are attracting the very best possible matches, and can handle all the crazy stuff that happens with online dating.  Your profile will rock and will draw in your potential Mr. Adorables. 
    Yes, It Really Works

    Julie, 70, Widowed

    "Deb's Finding Mr. Adorable Journey dating course changed my life."
    "I was widowed for seven years and gradually lost all my confidence, especially with men.  This lack of self-assurance and positivity was gnawing at me.  I became angry with myself for not getting back out there and having a relationship or even a friendship with a man as I missed having them in my life.

    Deb's Finding Mr. Adorable Journey dating course changed my life.  I learned about myself first and what was behind my fears and insecurities, and how to move forward.  She taught me how to understand online dating, what to do, how to do it, when to do it, and above all: how to be safe from scammers.  For all the women who are afraid to get back out there because it's been so long, take it from me:  You'll love this course and the transformation in your life!"
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    Cindy, 63, Divorced

    "I am prepared, empowered, and ready to get back out there."
    "I had been sad, lonely, and stuck for years and with Deb’s class (profile & photo prep, support from the other women in our group, etc.) I am now prepared, empowered, and ready to get back out there. I honestly feel what I’ve learned in the class will change my next foray into the online dating scene for the better."
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    Suzie, 72, Widowed

    "Deb helped me see that it is not late and I am not too old."
    “I have not dated for over six years. I was not sure I wanted to after losing my beloved husband. But, Deb helped me see that it is not late and I am not too old. Now, I have a good understanding of how to protect myself from bad actors in the online environment. I also am happy I have a completed profile and pictures that are going to help me find my Mr. Adorable.”
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    Kristen, 53, Divorced

    "It was not only informative, but also full of positive energy, Deb made the process fun."
    "I would highly recommend Deb’s course to anyone who is new at online dating. It was not only informative, but also full of positive energy, Deb made the process fun. I especially appreciated the introspective work she suggested, in terms of establishing goals, figuring out what we want and drafting a profile. In addition, the discussion of different dating sites, conversations starters and deeper questions were very helpful. Thank you, Deb for this wonderful opportunity!”