Yes, It Really Works

Julie, 70, Widowed

"Deb's Finding Mr. Adorable Journey dating course changed my life."
"I was widowed for seven years and gradually lost all my confidence, especially with men.  This lack of self-assurance and positivity was gnawing at me.  I became angry with myself for not getting back out there and having a relationship or even a friendship with a man as I missed having them in my life.

Deb's Finding Mr. Adorable Journey dating course changed my life.  I learned about myself first and what was behind my fears and insecurities, and how to move forward.  She taught me how to understand online dating, what to do, how to do it, when to do it, and above all: how to be safe from scammers.  For all the women who are afraid to get back out there because it's been so long, take it from me:  You'll love this course and thr transformation in your life!"

Cindy, 63, Divorced

"I am prepared, empowered, and ready to get back out there."
"I had been sad, lonely, and stuck for years and with Deb’s class (profile & photo prep, support from the other women in our group, etc.) I am now prepared, empowered, and ready to get back out there. I honestly feel what I’ve learned in the class will change my next foray into the online dating scene for the better."
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Suzie, 72, Widowed

"Deb helped me see that it is not late and I am not too old."
“I have not dated for over six years. I was not sure I wanted to after losing my beloved husband. But, Deb helped me see that it is not late and I am not too old. Now, I have a good understanding of how to protect myself from bad actors in the online environment. I also am happy I have a completed profile and pictures that are going to help me find my Mr. Adorable.”
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Kristen, 53, Divorced

"It was not only informative, but also full of positive energy, Deb made the process fun."
"I would highly recommend Deb’s course to anyone who is new at online dating. It was not only informative, but also full of positive energy, Deb made the process fun. I especially appreciated the introspective work she suggested, in terms of establishing goals, figuring out what we want and drafting a profile. In addition, the discussion of different dating sites, conversations starters and deeper questions were very helpful. Thank you, Deb for this wonderful opportunity!”
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Dee Dee, 60, Divorced

"Deb's advice and the information she shared really made me feel confident that I will find my Mr. Adorable."
"Deb's course was just what I needed! I had been doing online dating on and off for years and it was Zero fun for me. I didn't have all the tools that I needed to really enjoy the process and truly find what I am looking for.

The information I got from Deb's course was spot on! Her advice and the information she shared really made me feel confident that I will find my Mr. Adorable. Not only does she teach ALL of the ins and outs of Online Dating, she really cares about helping me find the right person. She had me really take a good look at what I wanted and what I absolutely don't want. She helped me to have a Quality Profile on my dating site that stands out and truly reflects who I am.

Finding true love is my goal and with this course, I'm certain I will find my Mr. Adorable.

I can't thank Deb enough, she has been encouraging and truly cares about me and my quest to find true love." 
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Nicole, 61, Divorced

"Deb has a proven road map that makes it less daunting and actually fun."
“On-line dating can feel like the Wild, Wild, West. It can be overwhelming. It is so different than what most of us grew up with. It is hard to know how to navigate this wonderful but wild terrain. Deb has a proven road map that makes it less daunting and actually fun. Nervousness and anxiousness fade away as she helps by showing you step by step how to comfortably and confidently go out and find the fantastic person you are seeking.  If you are considering on-line dating I would highly recommend taking Deb's course and getting her reliable map...” 
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Pamela, 69, Divorced

"I now have the skills to go out and connect with my Mr. Adorable. I feel powerful, confident and ready."
I now have the skills to go out and connect with my Mr. Adorable. I feel powerful, confident and ready. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I only wish everyone had the opportunity to learn from you. You’re the best. Continued success.”
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Ann, 57, Divorced

"I now feel equipped to make meaningful connections and engage in captivating conversations..."
Throughout the course, the coach taught me the necessary skills to navigate the online dating world with confidence. I now feel equipped to make meaningful connections and engage in captivating conversations that have the potential to lead to fulfilling relationships.

Most importantly, coach Deb has instilled in me a new-found sense of confidence. Prior to taking her class, I was hesitant and unsure about entering the online dating realm. However, her unwavering support, guidance, and encouragement have empowered me to embrace this new chapter of my life with enthusiasm and optimism.
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Leslie, 58, Divorced 

"The clarity and confidence gained through the course helped me feel centered and empowered."
Deb’s advice and thought-provoking exercises were super helpful. Plus, she is just so enthusiastic and encouraging, the process is actually fun!

The clarity and confidence gained through the course helped me feel centered and empowered when I ventured out to several meetup events.

Before the class ended, I asked a nice guy I met through meetup out to coffee and another Mr. Adorable was found. Thanks for everything, Deb!
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Frances, 68, Divorced

"Kudos for helping me get back out there and the dose of spunk “get-er done” as we say on the ranch before tackling a dreaded chore.”
“I was surprised when the phone ran around 10:30am.

One of the guys I met out dancing called.

2 weeks after exchanging #s

Going on early morning hiking date tomorrow.

I give you kudos for helping me get back out there and the dose of spunk “get-er done” as we say on the ranch before tackling a dreaded chore.”
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Alina, 63, Divorced 

"Your course is absolutely essential to do before we put ourselves out there."
“Thank you so much, Deb! You have been an inspiration to me! Your knowledge of online dating was super helpful! It helped me get organized quickly, too! Your personal experience with online dating shows that you have an understanding of what mature, older women need. I loved your resources, checklists, and practical guidance! More importantly, you made it fun! Your course is absolutely essential to do before we put ourselves out there. Thank you so much, Deb, for such delightful and informative sessions!”
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