Meet Deb
Finding Mr. Adorable at Age Seventy
By Deb Dutcher, The Boomer Online Dating Coach
At the age of fifty-one, in a state of total shock and denial, I found myself single. I had been in a loving relationship for thirty years, to my college sweetheart. In our twentieth year of marriage, childless and wanting to be parents, we had adopted two older children, half-brother and sister.

We thought we could handle it all – working at two management careers in high-tech, plus become parents of two troubled children, born drugs-in-utero. The next ten years were a time of stress and pain, along with some “Golden Times”.

Finally, in our twenty-ninth year, our marriage failed.  My son was away in a therapeutic high school and my daughter and I fought all the time. My husband ultimately sided with my fourteen-year-old daughter, who wanted me out.

I found myself alone, for the first time in my entire life.

At fifty-one, I was thrown into the world of men, having not dated since the age of nineteen. I chose to try on-line dating, and decided to date anyone who looked halfway decent, and who wanted to date me. Rather indiscriminate. I just wanted to find out if anyone would want me. I felt so abandoned.
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I felt -- Worthless. Unloved. Unlovable.
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My big plan was: “post a profile and respond to hits”. I had no real list of what I wanted, except I kept thinking “I want someone the opposite of my husband—someone who likes to get their hands dirty, can fix things, rides a motorcycle and macho.” I wanted excitement and was in a state of rebellion. After all the constraints, and losses, from the prior marriage, I wanted sex, love and rock and roll.  I wanted my twenties back!

In that first three-year cycle of online dating, I used a subscription service for six-figure earners. They took professional photos and interviewed me on video. I found the guys from there were all about a trophy-girlfriend/wife. One offered to buy me a boob-job, before he even met me!  I also posted on standard dating sites and dated around forty guys.  I had three exclusive relationships and remarried in my third year. I married a contractor.  He was a former semi-pro baseball player, phenomenal lover, and rode a Harley Davidson. Go figure!

After fourteen years of marriage to my second husband, things had gone quite sour. There was a great deal of emotional abuse. I was an emotional wreck, and losing my health due to the stress and neglect. When the emotional abuse turned physical, I left.
Now I was starting over again, at sixty-eight, in a time of pandemic and loss of any way to connect with anyone, except on-line.  I thought I would just act as I had the first time. Pretend I was nineteen again, and go out with anyone who looked good.  In one year, I dated fifteen guys, had two consecutive exclusive relationships, and one torrid, brief love affair.

I ended up, at age sixty-nine, completely disillusioned. I was tired, sad, lonely and feeling used-up. I pulled down all my dating-site profiles in November, 2021, after one guy canceled a date for dinner and a planned romantic evening, two hours before he was due in my home. He “had forgotten he needed to do a rush job.” After that I cut off all contact and dropped him. We had planned to spend Thanksgiving and Christmas together, and now I was going to be left alone, again.

Something had to change. Either I would turn seventy with no one in my life, or I would figure out how to bring the right guy into my life. But, who was the right guy and how would I find him?
One year later, after reworking my entire approach to dating, I created the Finding Mr. Adorable course, and used it to find my own Mr. Adorable. Now at 71, I am enjoying a loving, exclusive, committed relationship with my Mr. Adorable. As I teach my students, I took the time to define, with a very long list of characteristics, exactly who I wanted in my life.

Finding my Mr. Adorable took a completely new approach. No more just agreeing to go out with anyone who met minimal criteria. No more dumbing myself down, or acting like a femme-fatale. No more trying to be forty or fifty again. And no more playing being nineteen!

I realized that the right match would not necessarily find me. I had to be really clear as to what I wanted and then, pull it to me. I had to release my past relationship baggage and truly love and accept myself, in order to draw in the right partner. I got on a dating site January 19, 2023, and by February 2nd, I went on a first date with the man who was to become Mr. Adorable.  I was able to manifest him in record time, once I was crystal-clear.

I began teaching my process to clients and decided I would make it my mission to Help 1,000+ Boomer Gals Find Their Mr. Adorable. That is why I have launched my course, “Boomer Gal’s Guide to Winning at Online Dating – the Finding Mr. Adorable Journey” so that other Boomer Gals can find their Mr. Adorable.  I know it can be done, and I am here to help you do it.

Many look at us those of us in our sixties and seventies and say, “Why do you want to date? Why aren’t you happy alone and hanging out with friends and family?” Well, I moved far away from all my friends and family and I knew absolutely no one. Dating was one way to meet folks, get out of the house and learn about my new area.  I like meeting new people, going new places, and online dating works when you do it right.

My motto is to be sure you are Savvy, Prepped, Ready and Aware before you get back out there.
That is what I am here to do.
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You are not too old and it is never too late to be in Love!

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Online dating can be scary. You have to take the right precautions. I am here to teach you what not to do, as well as what to do.

Do not get on a dating site when you are raw, hurting and vulnerable. Let’s get you to the right state of mind, first. Rebuilding your confidence, self-image and knowing you are a Ms. Adorable is critical to having success with online dating.

I know this works as I have helped many of my clients do this, on an individual basis. Now, I am going to help more, with my course – “Boomer Gal’s Guide to Winning at Online Dating.” If you are still hopeful and desire love, please reach out and let’s “Find Your Mr Adorable!”
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—Deb Dutcher, Boomer Gal’s Online Dating Coach

Deb is the best-selling author of “Sexy, Lean and Strong After 50 – How I went from Fat, Depressed and Divorced to the Best Shape of My Life and How You Can Too!”  A former high-tech Vice President, she is a Certified Integrative Health Coach and is trained in Woman-Centered Coaching Concepts.
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—Deb Dutcher, Best for: Senior Women Wanting to Date Online

Deb has been recognized by as a top 10 Senior Dating Expert for 2024.  Click here to check out the write-up
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Deb in the News & on the Air
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Connect with Deb

Want to get a man's point-of-view?  Check out Deb's "Winning at Online Dating" Facebook Group.
Join Deb's private Meetup dating advice group. 

If you're on LinkedIn, catch Deb here. 

Meet Deb
Finding Mr. Adorable at Age Seventy
By Deb Dutcher, The Boomer Online Dating Coach
At the age of fifty-one, in a state of total shock and denial, I found myself single. I had been in a loving relationship for thirty years, to my college sweetheart. In our twentieth year of marriage, childless and wanting to be parents, we had adopted two older children, half-brother and sister.

We thought we could handle it all – working at two management careers in high-tech, plus become parents of two troubled children, born drugs-in-utero. The next ten years were a time of stress and pain, along with some “Golden Times”.

Finally, in our twenty-ninth year, our marriage failed.  My son was away in a therapeutic high school and my daughter and I fought all the time. My husband ultimately sided with my fourteen-year-old daughter, who wanted me out.

I found myself alone, for the first time in my entire life.

At fifty-one, I was thrown into the world of men, having not dated since the age of nineteen. I chose to try on-line dating, and decided to date anyone who looked halfway decent, and who wanted to date me. Rather indiscriminate. I just wanted to find out if anyone would want me. I felt so abandoned.
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I felt -- Worthless. Unloved. Unlovable.
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My big plan was: “post a profile and respond to hits”. I had no real list of what I wanted, except I kept thinking “I want someone the opposite of my husband—someone who likes to get their hands dirty, can fix things, rides a motorcycle and macho.” I wanted excitement and was in a state of rebellion. After all the constraints, and losses, from the prior marriage, I wanted sex, love and rock and roll.  I wanted my twenties back!

In that first three-year cycle of online dating, I used a subscription service for six-figure earners. They took professional photos and interviewed me on video. I found the guys from there were all about a trophy-girlfriend/wife. One offered to buy me a boob-job, before he even met me!  I also posted on standard dating sites and dated around forty guys.  I had three exclusive relationships and remarried in my third year. I married a contractor, He was a former semi-pro baseball player, phenomenal lover, and rode a Harley Davidson. Go figure!

After fourteen years of marriage to my second husband, things had gone quite sour. There was a great deal of emotional abuse. I was an emotional wreck, and losing my health due to the stress and neglect. When the emotional abuse turned physical, I left.
Now I was starting over again, at sixty-eight, in a time of pandemic and loss of any way to connect with anyone, except on-line.  I thought I would just act as I had the first time. Pretend I was nineteen again, and go out with anyone who looked good.  In one year, I dated fifteen guys, had two consecutive exclusive relationships, and one torrid, brief love affair.

I ended up, at age sixty-nine, completely disillusioned. I was tired, sad, lonely and feeling used-up. I pulled down all my dating-site profiles in November, 2021, after one guy canceled a date for dinner and a planned romantic evening, two hours before he was due in my home. He “had forgotten he needed to do a rush job.” After that I cut off all contact and dropped him. We had planned to spend Thanksgiving and Christmas together, and now I was going to be left alone, again.

Something had to change. Either I would turn seventy with no one in my life, or I would figure out how to bring the right guy into my life. But, who was the right guy and how would I find him?
One year later, after reworking my entire approach to dating, I created the Finding Mr. Adorable course, and used it to find my own Mr. Adorable. Now at 71, I am enjoying a loving, exclusive, committed relationship with my Mr. Adorable. As I teach my students, I took the time to define, with a very long list of characteristics, exactly who I wanted in my life.

Finding my Mr. Adorable took a completely new approach. No more just agreeing to go out with anyone who met minimal criteria. No more dumbing myself down, or acting like a femme-fatale. No more trying to be forty or fifty again. And no more playing being nineteen!

I realized that the right match would not necessarily find me. I had to be really clear as to what I wanted and then, pull it to me. I had to release my past relationship baggage and truly love and accept myself, in order to draw in the right partner. I got on a dating site January 19, 2023, and by February 2nd, I went on a first date with the man who was to become Mr. Adorable.  I was able to manifest him in record time, once I was crystal-clear.

I began teaching my process to clients and decided I would make it my mission to Help 1,000+ Boomer Gals Find Their Mr. Adorable. That is why I have launched my course, “Boomer Gal’s Guide to Winning at Online Dating – the Finding Mr. Adorable Journey” so that other Boomer Gals can find their Mr. Adorable.  I know it can be done, and I am here to help you do it.

Many look at us those of us in our sixties and seventies and say, “Why do you want to date? Why aren’t you happy alone and hanging out with friends and family?” Well, I moved far away from all my friends and family and I knew absolutely no one. Dating was one way to meet folks, get out of the house and learn about my new area.  I like meeting new people, going new places, and online dating works when you do it right.

My motto is to be sure you are Savvy, Prepped, Ready and Aware before you get back out there.
That is what I am here to do.
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You are not too old and it is never too late to be in Love!
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Online dating can be scary. You have to take the right precautions. I am here to teach you what not to do, as well as what to do.

Do not get on a dating site when you are raw, hurting and vulnerable. Let’s get you to the right state of mind, first. Rebuilding your confidence, self-image and knowing you are a Ms. Adorable is critical to having success with online dating.

I know this works as I have helped many of my clients do this, on an individual basis. Now, I am going to help more, with my course – “Boomer Gal’s Guide to Winning at Online Dating.” If you are still hopeful and desire love, please reach out and let’s “Find Your Mr Adorable!”
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—Deb Dutcher, Boomer Gal’s Online Dating Coach

Deb is the best-selling author of “Sexy, Lean and Strong After 50 – How I went from Fat, Depressed and Divorced to the Best Shape of My Life and How You Can Too!”  A former high-tech Vice President, she is a Certified Integrative Health Coach and is trained in Woman-Centered Coaching Concepts.
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—Deb Dutcher, Best for: Senior Women Wanting to Date Online

Deb has been recognized by as a top 10 Senior Dating Expert for 2024.  Click here to check out the write-up
Deb in the News & on the Air
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Connect with Deb
Want to get a man's point-of-view?  Check out Deb's "Winning at Online Dating"  Private Facebook Group
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 Join Deb's Private Women-only Virtual Forum on Dating Meetup Group
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If you're on LinkedIn, catch Deb here. 
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